
Past, Present & Future

White Bay Power Station is one of Sydney’s most iconic industrial landmarks with thousands of years of history. Step into its storied past and experience its exciting transformation.
The historic White Bay Power Station is located in the heart of the Bays West area and will form a focal point in the future transformation of the Bays West precinct. 

The Bays West area of Sydney Harbour was an ancient valley inundated by water 7,000 years ago. The site has experienced drastic changes in the last 250 years, with the industrial revolution leading to quarrying, land reclamation and the redirection of the freshwater creek. Rich with nutrients and life, the area where saltwater and freshwater meet are powerful places that breathe with the movement of the tides, creating a dynamic rhythm that feeds the ecology of this special place. 

Constructed between 1912 - 1917, White Bay Power Station is one of Sydney's most significant industrial landmarks. It initially powered Sydney's tram and rail networks, playing a crucial role in the city's growth. The station continued to expand significantly to meet demand for electricity and support various industrial operations. It was decommissioned in 1984.

Today, White Bay Power Station is being transformed into a vibrant cultural and community hub, preserving its historical significance while embracing new possibilities. The ongoing restoration honours both the site's heritage and the Aboriginal cultural heritage of the area.

Visit to see its transformation into a dynamic space for cultural, artistic, and commercial activities, reflecting a storied past and a promising future.

Learn more about White Bay Power Station's past, present, and future.

About White Bay Power Station

The Story of White Bay Power Station
Rewind in time and uncover the fascinating history of White Bay Power Station. From its early days powering Sydney’s tram network to its current transformation, explore the stories that have shaped this iconic landmark. 
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Explore White Bay Power Station

Delve deeper into the fascinating parts that make up the historic White Bay Power Station. Learn about the Turbine Hall, Boiler House, Administration Building and Entertainment Hall.

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Trace the evolution of White Bay Power Station through the decades. Our timeline captures key moments in the station’s history, showcasing its transformation to a vibrant cultural hub. 
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White Bay Power Station has seen various remedial works over the last four decades, though since 2021 there has been an extraordinary conservation effort to restore the site for cultural and community use. 

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Bays West Precinct
Bays West is at the forefront of a new kind of Sydney urbanism that celebrates Country and embraces its natural, cultural, maritime, and industrial heritage.
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Sydney Metro West

The Bays Station will be located between White Bay Power Station and Glebe Island, providing rail to the area and delivering critical connections to the Sydney CBD and western suburbs.

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