White Bay Power Station Creative Communities Competition
The competition closes midnight Sunday August 25 2024.
Submission Guidelines
Create an artwork, song or any other piece of music, creative writing, film (or other media) inspired by the White Bay Power Station and lets us know your ideas for the future use of the special building. It can respond to any of the following themes or the building can be a starting point for an idea we haven’t imagined.
Choose one of these ideas to inspire your creation:
- Wangal Country
- Industry & Heritage
- Energy
- Water
- Fun & Play
- Ecology
- Future.
By entering, participants permit submissions to be placed on exhibition at White Bay Power Station and published on the Placemaking NSW website. The submissions may also be used for future marketing purposes.
No feedback will be given to individual submissions. A thank you note will be sent to each participant.
Terms and conditions apply. Read full terms and conditions.

Important information
- Open to school students (K-12) who live and/or go to school in the Inner West and Glebe
- The file name must be the title of your work
- Max file size for upload is 4MB. Any larger files can be shared via a link
- Only completed entries will be considered
- Artwork:
- Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png. Up to one A3 page and can include collage. 4MB size limit.
- Poetry or creative writing:
- Accepted file types: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pages or pdf file. Up to two A4 pages. 4MB size limit.
- Film (or other media): Must be shared via a file-hosting service link that is publicly available to view (such as a Dropbox or Google Drive). Can be up to 3 minutes long.
- Music:
- Must be shared via file-hosting service link (such as Dropbox or Google Drive). Can be up to 3 minutes long.